Results for 'Manuel Domínguez Miranda'

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  1. Propuesta de trabajo filosófico.Manuel Domínguez-Miranda - 1992 - Universitas Philosophica 19:51-62.
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    Enfoques para una historia de la Filosofía Cristiana en América Latina SS. XVIII a XX.Manuel Domínguez Miranda - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (65):15-36.
    This text corresponds to Lectio Inauguralis of our Faculty in the first academic semester of 1988. Its aim is to show, from theoretical consciously assumed suppositions and through concrete achievements, some lines of research that can make intelligible the process followed in Latin America by the philosophy of explicitly Christian inspiration. It seeks, first of all, to bring to light what is theoretical and vitally at stake in each of the most significant moments of this process. Some philosophical figures are (...)
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  3. Biblioteca Virtual Del Pensamiento Filosofico En Colombia.Manuel Domínguez Miranda, Erika Tanacs, Germán Marquínez Argote, Rey Fajardo & José del (eds.) - 2006 - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Pensar.
  4. Ignacio Ellacuría, Filósofo de la Realidad Latinoamericana.Manuel Domínguez-Miranda - 1989 - Universitas Philosophica 13:69-88.
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  5. Lo simple y lo complejo: la necesidad de un nuevo paradigma para interpretar la evolución humana.Manuel Domínguez Rodrigo - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 53:259-274.
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  6. Culpa, disculpa y exculpación.Xosé Manuel Domínguez Prieto - 2008 - Diálogo Filosófico 70:19-36.
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  7. Nuevos caminos para el personalismo comunitario.Xosé Manuel Domínguez Prieto - 2009 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 20:95-126.
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    Humanitarismo como deuda: Alemania y su memoria traumática.Juan Manuel Martín Martín & Leopoldo Domínguez Macías - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):131-160.
    La decisión de Angela Merkel de abrir sin reservas las fronteras de su país en 2015 a cientos de miles de refugiados representa uno de los acontecimientos más relevantes de la historia de Alemania en el siglo xxi. Tanto la determinación de la canciller como la actitud manifestada por la mayoría de los ciudadanos han de ser interpretadas en el contexto de una historia caracterizada tanto por el sufrimiento infligido por Alemania como por el sufrimiento propio derivado de los conflictos (...)
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    Design, Modelling, and Implementation of a Fuzzy Controller for an Intelligent Road Signaling System.José Manuel Lozano Domínguez & Tomás de J. Mateo Sanguino - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  10. Educación Sensible: marco pedagógico y espíritu educativo.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2022 - Madrid: Almuzara Universidad.
    La Educación Sensible es ayuda para que el “yo” habite en su “hogar interior” y crezca hacia su “apoteosis original” en el “nosotros”, donde se hace cocreador de belleza con libertad, sabiduría y amor. La educación sensible es pedagogía no invasiva pero radicalmente exigente para que la persona acepte desplegar su versión original y vivir con gozo en un “nosotros-maduro”. No es una pedagogía que protege a los sensibles; es una educación que atiende a todas las personas, independientemente de su (...)
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    Maternidad: historia, letras e imagen.Claudia Maribel Dominguez Miranda - 2023 - Valenciana 31:341-348.
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  12. Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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  13. RSEdu: Responsabilidad Social Educativa.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - online: Almuzara Universidad.
    Educational Social Responsibility (EduSR) is the voluntary provision of the educational institution that, as a natural space of social possibilities, favors the deployment of its members towards others, showing it with transparency based on observable indicators. The intention of this book is: a) to try to analyze what is essential that we all share in our respective experiences of EduSR, b) to illuminate so that everyone can make their interpretation in the most accurate way possible and their evaluations in the (...)
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  14. El papa Nicolás IV, destinatario del Liber de passagio y Ramon Llull.Manuel F. Domínguez - 2004 - Studia Lulliana 100:3-15.
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  15. Education Sensitive to Origin: Pedagogical Framework that Finds Foundation in the Thought of Edith Stein.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2023 - Cuadernos de Pensamiento 36 (2660-6070):343-369.
    In the predominant pedagogical frameworks of our days, rationalist, voluntarist or sentimentalist reductionisms are seen, from which it is about educating people regardless of their Origin and the singular and unrepeatable originality with which they have been given to existence. Faced with this anthropocentric confinement, Sensitive Education arises so that every person, regardless of their culture and creed, remains sensitive to their Origin and captures their own originality, which in the end is what they must accept and try to manifest (...)
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    Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 39:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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    The Essentials in Human Learning to Respond to Continuous Change.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2019 - Foro de Educación 17:253-270.
    When we find ourselves in this era of rapid and continuous changes in teachinglearning processes, it is pertinent to review what is essential in learning; That which however much change things can’t change so that the phenomenon of learning, can continue to call learning. This is the objective of this article, and from a phenomenological perspective, a description is proposed that captures the essence of human learning. This description has been arranged in a way that is valid for any time (...)
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  18. Educar la Inteligencia Sensible: guía para padres de hijos con alta sensibilidad.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez (ed.) - 2021 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
    Se ha dicho que tenemos inteligencia y personalidad, pero en realidad son dos dimensiones de una misma unidad que nos hace tender a la plenitud. Esto es la Inteligencia Sensible y su maduración es la misión fundamental de la educación. Con la Inteligencia Sensible gestionamos el amor y el miedo, y cuando un niño tiene una Inteligencia Sensible muy alta es posible que se vea envuelto en una vida de amores y temores muy desordenados. Tener alta Inteligencia Sensible no es (...)
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    Estrategias discursivas de normalización en la producción audiovisual sobre la homoparentalidad.Laura Domínguez de la Rosa & Francisco Manuel Montalbán Peregrín - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a166.
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  20. Filosofia-Ontologia e metafísica em Delfim Santos.Manuel Guedes Miranda - 1987 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 43 (3):337-356.
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    Blockchain-based land registry platforms: a survey on their implementation and potential challenges.Yeray Mezquita, Javier Parra-Domínguez, María E. Pérez-Pons, Javier Prieto & Juan Manuel Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):1017-1027.
    In recent years it has been demonstrated that the use of the traditional property registry models involves the risk of corruption along with long waiting times. This paper points out the main problems associated with conventional models and makes a survey of the new ones that are based on blockchain technology. This type of model is already being developed as a proof of concept by different countries. With the use of this technology in land registry systems, it is possible to (...)
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  22. Prueba testifical y garantía de contradicción en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.Manuel Miranda Estrampes - 2018 - In Carmen Vázquez Rojas (ed.), Hechos y razonamiento probatorio. [Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo]: Editorial CEJI.
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    BOOKCHIN, MURRAY, Ecología y Pensamiento Revolucionario, (Traducción de Jordi Maíz Chacón), Calumnia, Mallorca, 2019, 103 pp. [REVIEW]José-Manuel Domínguez-de-la-Fuente - 2020 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (2):370-373.
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    Additive Manufacturing Technologies: An Overview about 3D Printing Methods and Future Prospects.Mariano Jiménez, Luis Romero, Iris A. Domínguez, María del Mar Espinosa & Manuel Domínguez - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-30.
    The use of conventional manufacturing methods is mainly limited by the size of the production run and the geometrical complexity of the component, and as a result we are occasionally forced to use processes and tools that increase the final cost of the element being produced. Additive manufacturing techniques provide major competitive advantages due to the fact that they adapt to the geometrical complexity and customised design of the part to be manufactured. The following may also be achieved according to (...)
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    Apoteosis de la Educación. Apuntes para una Historia de la Educación desde sus fines.Esther Ruiz Simón & Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2024 - Almuzara Universidad.
    Estos apuntes suponen un viaje por la historia de la educación desde sus fines que nos permite contemplar los pilares sobre los que se sostiene nuestra comprensión actual de la educación. Este libro no es un recuento de fechas y eventos sino una exploración de los propósitos que han guiado la evolución de la educación a través de los siglos. Desde las ancestrales civilizaciones del extremo oriente hasta las modernas civilizaciones digitales, la educación ha estado presente en las familias, escuelas (...)
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    Educação - Pedagogia e Metafísica em Delfim Santos.Manuel Guedes da Silva Miranda - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (1/2):149 - 169.
    No âmbito dos principals trabalhos de Delfim Santos bem que, na totalidade da suamensagem, contextuamos a nossa reflexão em três proposições: "A pedagogia — o educando: ser essencial-existencial"; "A educação: fundamento e sentido da pedagogia"; "O espírito: fundamento e sentido da educação e dapedagogia". Deste modo, na primeira proposição, posicionamos o homem, no contexto pedagógico-educacional. Na segunda, movemo-nos na ambiguidade ontológica-metafísica e sistemáticatrans-sistemática; e, assim, se começámos por evidenciar, no processo educative os momentos essencial e existencial, concluímos pelos respectivos intervenientes. (...)
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    Fenomenologia e metafísica em Delfim Santos.Manuel Guedes da Suva Miranda - 1992 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 48 (2):297 - 320.
    No sentido do seu pensamento pretendemos, com o presente estudo, equacionar, adequadamente, arelação arelaçãofenomenologiae metafísicaem Delfim Santos. Ante a realidade e no âmbito do sistema e do método, distinguimos os domínios essencial-trans-sistemático ou metafísico e existencial-sistemático ou ontológico. Face ao conhecimentoe no contexto darazão especulativae metodológica, anotamos os sentidos de conhecimento, acto e termos, de sujeito (consciência) e objecto, esclarecendo que se, metafisicamente, o sujeito se posiciona perante o pensamento, entender-se-á, o objecto, apenas, em função da realidade. Ante aexistênciaeno âmbito (...)
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  28. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach.Denisse Manrique-Millones, Georgy M. Vasin, Sergio Dominguez-Lara, Rosa Millones-Rivalles, Ricardo T. Ricci, Milagros Abregu Rey, María Josefina Escobar, Daniela Oyarce, Pablo Pérez-Díaz, María Pía Santelices, Claudia Pineda-Marín, Javier Tapia, Mariana Artavia, Maday Valdés Pacheco, María Isabel Miranda, Raquel Sánchez Rodríguez, Clara Isabel Morgades-Bamba, Ainize Peña-Sarrionandia, Fernando Salinas-Quiroz, Paola Silva Cabrera, Moïra Mikolajczak & Isabelle Roskam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Parental burnout is a unique and context-specific syndrome resulting from a chronic imbalance of risks over resources in the parenting domain. The current research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment across Spanish-speaking countries with two consecutive studies. In Study 1, we analyzed the data through a bifactor model within an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling on the pooled sample of participants obtaining good fit indices. We then attained measurement invariance across both gender (...)
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    Meta-Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging and Cognitive Control Studies in Schizophrenia: Preliminary Elucidation of a Core Dysfunctional Timing Network.Irene Alústiza, Joaquim Radua, Anton Albajes-Eizagirre, Manuel Domínguez, Enrique Aubá & Felipe Ortuño - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Virtual Reality as a New Approach for Risk Taking Assessment.Carla de-Juan-Ripoll, José L. Soler-Domínguez, Jaime Guixeres, Manuel Contero, Noemi Álvarez Gutiérrez & Mariano Alcañiz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422663.
    Understanding how people behave when facing hazardous situations, how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence the risk taking (RT) decision making process and to what extent it is possible to modify their reactions externally, are questions that have long interested academics and society in general. In the spheres of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), the military, finance and sociology, this topic has multidisciplinary implications because we all constantly face risk taking situations. Researchers have hitherto assessed risk taking profiles by conducting questionnaires (...)
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    Manuel Tuñón de Lara - Julio Valdeón Baruque - Antonio Domínguez Ortiz - Secundino Serrano, Historia de España (Valladolid, Ámbito, 1999) 750 pp. 245 X 170. ISBN 84-8183-049-6. [REVIEW]Manuel Martín Riego - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (18):598-599.
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    A Methodology to Determine the Subset of Heuristics for Hyperheuristics through Metaearning for Solving Graph Coloring and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems.Lucero Ortiz-Aguilar, Martín Carpio, Alfonso Rojas-Domínguez, Manuel Ornelas-Rodriguez, H. J. Puga-Soberanes & Jorge A. Soria-Alcaraz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-22.
    In this work, we focus on the problem of selecting low-level heuristics in a hyperheuristic approach with offline learning, for the solution of instances of different problem domains. The objective is to improve the performance of the offline hyperheuristic approach, identifying equivalence classes in a set of instances of different problems and selecting the best performing heuristics in each of them. A methodology is proposed as the first step of a set of instances of all problems, and the generic characteristics (...)
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    Fernando domínguez reboiras, “soy de libros trovador”. Catálogo Y guía a las obras de Raimundo lulio.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2018 - Cauriensia 13:684-686.
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    RESEÑA de : Domínguez Rey, Antonio. Ciencia, conocimiento y lenguaje : Ángel Amor Rubial . Madrid : Spiralia Ensayo/UNED, 2007.Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:431.
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    Is Testimonial Injustice Epistemic? Let Me Count the Ways.Manuel Almagro Holgado, Llanos Navarro Laespada & Manuel de Pinedo García - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):657-675.
    Miranda Fricker distinguishes two senses in which testimonial injustice is epistemic. In the primary sense, it is epistemic because it harms the victim as a giver of knowledge. In the secondary sense, it is epistemic, more narrowly, because it harms the victim as a possessor of knowledge. Her characterization of testimonial injustice has raised the following objection: testimonial injustice is not always an epistemic injustice, in the narrow, secondary sense, as it does not always entail that the victim is (...)
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    DOMÍNGUEZ, XOSÉ MANUEL Psicología de la persona, Palabra, Madrid, 2011, 379 pp. [REVIEW]Juan Fernando Sellés - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico:438-442.
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    VALADO DOMÍNGUEZ, ÓSCAR, Manuel García Morente. Una vida a la luz de la correspondencia inédita con José Ortega y Gasset, San Esteban Editorial, Salamanca, 2020, 149 pp. [REVIEW]María-Luisa Pro-Velasco - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico:207-210.
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  38. Domínguez, Manuel y Tanács, Erika (eds.). Biblioteca Virtual del Pensamiento Filosófico en Colombia. Volumen II, 22 Manuscritos Coloniales de Filosofía. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Instituto Pensar, Bogotá [9 discos compactos](2007). Y segunda edición del volumen I: 24 Obras Filosóficas del Período Colonial.[9 discos compactos]. http://www. javeriana. edu. co/pensar/biblio_p. [REVIEW]Gonzalo Serrano - 2007 - Ideas Y Valores 56 (134):137-139.
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    Abel, Oliver, et al. La juste mémoire: Lectures autour de Paul Ricoeur. Fribourg: Labor et Fides, 2006. 22.00 pb. Almeida, Rogério Miranda de. Nietzsche and Paradox. Translated by Mark S. Roberts. Albany: SUNY Press, 2006. $55.00 Arriaga, Manuel P. The Modernist-Postmodernist Quarrel on Philosophy and Justice: A Possible. [REVIEW]Levinasian Mediation - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
  40. Pensadores (as) del 900.Osvaldo Gómez & Miguel Zarza (eds.) - 2013 - Asunción, Paraguay: Secretaria Nacional de Cultura.
    Studies the development of philosophy in the works of Paraguayan authors around the turn of the 19th century, including Cecilio Báez, Manuel Dominguez, Eligio Ayala, Rafael Barrett and Viriato Díaz Pérez. Also examines issues such as women, working class and identity.
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    What Happened to ‘Big Tech’ and Antitrust? And How to Fix Them!Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (3):345-369.
    The debate surrounding ‘big tech’ and antitrust has dominated public policy discourses over the past few years in many parts of the world. Noteworthy is that several countries and regions, including China, the European Union, and the United States, have launched investigations into the allegedly anticompetitive and exclusionary business practices of companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google and their Chinese counterparts, Alibaba and Tencent. This paper builds on the renewed interest in the topic and discusses in detail – (...)
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    Thermal-mechanical analysis of the briquetting machine segments in steel industries.Saul Jaimes - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):43-57.
    A thermal-mechanical analysis of the behavior of the segments of the rollers of the briquetting machines is carried out due to the effect of thermal shock and efforts exerted on the part. It is intended to obtain the main causes that generate this problem, through a mechanical analysis that simulated the behavior in the presence of several thermal gradients. The purpose of the study is to reduce maintenance costs and the continuous replacement and repair of segments, as well as losses (...)
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  43.  20
    On a Columnar Self: Two Senses of Expressing Partisanship.Manuel Almagro - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (3):509-527.
    According to the partisan cheerleading view, numerous political disagreements that appear to be genuine are not authentic disputes, because partisans _deliberately_ misreport their beliefs to show support for their parties. Recently, three arguments have been put forth to support this view. First, contemporary democracies are characterized by affective rather than ideological polarization. Second, financial incentives indicate that partisans often deliberately misreport their beliefs to express their attitudes. Third, partisans have inconsistent and unstable political beliefs, so we should not take these (...)
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    Hybrid systems in electrical distribution design with genetic algorithm.Angel Nunez - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):32-42.
    The incorporation of hybrid systems based on renewable sources for the optimization of electricity distribution systems and planning of power supply strategies using genetic algorithms is studied. A series of characteristics of electrical sub-stations was chosen and through simulations, data were obtained for the optimization of the existing infrastructure, which provides reliability, security, economic supply and quality of service. An algorithm was obtained with the optimal configuration of various components: photovoltaic panels, batteries, AC generator, fuel cell and inverter, which in (...)
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    La Iglesia de Sevilla a finales del siglo XVI e inicios del XVII.Manuel Martín Riego - 2023 - Isidorianum 10 (20):349-389.
    La cofradía sevillana del Prendimiento fue fundada en enero de 1601 en la casa del arzobispo Rodrigo de Castro, sede vacante. La conferencia "La Iglesia de Sevilla a finales del siglo XVI y a principios del siglo XVII", en el que se basa este artículo, está incluida entre los eventos programados para celebrar el cuarto centenario de la fundación de esta Hermandad. Se analiza en ella el contexto geográfico, histórico y espiritual de la Iglesia sevillana en aquella época. En primer (...)
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    Géométrie et espace chez Poincaré : aux sources du conventionnalisme.Manuel Bächtold - 2014 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 64 (1):10-23.
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  47. Encuentros con el resucitado: Una lectura creyente.Manuel Sánchez Tapia - 2012 - Ciudad de Dios 225 (1):5-35.
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    Varieties of Three-Values Heyting Algebras with a Quantifier.Manuel Abad, J. P. Diaz Varela & L. A. Rueda - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):181-198.
    This paper is devoted to the study of some subvarieties of the variety Q of Q-Heyting algebras, that is, Heyting algebras with a quantifier. In particular, a deeper investigation is carried out in the variety Q subscript 3 of three-valued Q-Heyting algebras to show that the structure of the lattice of subvarieties of Q is far more complicated that the lattice of subvarieties of Heyting algebras. We determine the simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras in Q subscript 3 and we construct (...)
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    Are all measurement outcomes “classical”?Manuel Bächtold - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (3):620-633.
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    Medicine, market and communication: ethical considerations in regard to persuasive communication in direct-to-consumer genetic testing services.Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Commercial genetic testing offered over the internet, known as direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), currently is under ethical attack. A common critique aims at the limited validation of the tests as well as the risk of psycho-social stress or adaption of incorrect behavior by users triggered by misleading health information. Here, we examine in detail the specific role of advertising communication of DTC GT companies from a medical ethical perspective. Our argumentative analysis departs from the starting point that DTC GT (...)
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